
WEEK 26 22-09-12 TO 29-09-12


Well the algae is still a bit of a problem. But some heavy rain would be  very  welcome. The fish  have not been crashing  out  very much, but have been poking there heads out  under the snags and if you are not watching the water you will miss them. The weather for the week was pretty good with temputures  ranging from 16 to 18 during the day and 6 to 8 during the night. We  had a small drop of rain on Tuesday but  the rest of the week was dry.

Simon had been out in May and had a good trip so this trip he brought some of his syndicate members back with. The boy's fished hard all week and the fish  didn't want to play but they ended up with  16 fish for the week. Top rod was Dan with 5 fish,  the boy's dropped 6 fish and lost 2 in the snags there average for the week was 32-07lb. The weather is starting to change now and I am sure the fish now know winter is on it's way and will get there heads down, the trouble is this time of year you  can either have  a big hit or you can struggle , it's like a double edge sword, on one side the fish know winter is coming and they need to feed and on the other side of the sword is they have been caught all year round and can be a bit weary of your hook bait. Lets hope the big fish make a few mistakes and we put a few lumps on the bank, the last  few weeks of the season.

I like  to thank all the boy's for a great week. Just a note the anglers still coming this year please don't not pull for a break as I been out in the boat a lot lately as the anglers have been picking up line in the lake.

Tight lines


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