About Us

My name is Steve Bond. I've been fishing most of my life and carp fishing for over 3 decades in England and Europe. I have run 2 large carp syndicate waters in England with fish to over 40 lb and help create, run and stock Fox Mere.
It was in 2004 when I went back to France to see what the commercial lakes were like and see if there was room for one more.
Don't get me wrong, I saw some stunning lakes and some beautiful fish but that's where it stopped. The way the lakes were run and operated didn't impress me at all.
There was no passion in the way the lakes were run, most of the lakes were run by underpaid bailiffs that were only interested in one thing and that was catching more fish than you!
At Bossard myself and my bailiffs don't fish if the lake is exclusively booked or there are 10 anglers fishing. Our job is to make sure you have a great holiday! Sure there might be a time when we wet a line but our anglers come first!
*Just a thought* Imagine if you were on a lake where you had just paid good money when the bailiff catches the target fish you are fishing for! I'm sure you wouldn't be impressed!
Our main objective is to help you put fish on the bank!
At Bossard the scenery is stunning, the wildlife is in 3D, and the fishing is your dream come true!
Trust me, you won't be disappointed!