
WEEK 24 08-09-2012 TO 15-09-2012


Well week 24 and only 7 weeks left of the season where has the year  gone, The weather forecast this week was a bit up and down with temperatures ranging from 7 to 13 at night and 15 to 30 on Monday during the day. We had rain on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and the rest of the week was dry. After a hard week last week I felt we were going to have a better week, Boy was I wrong! you guest it, another hard week i don't put it all down to the  carp and weather. But the anglers this week decided not to use bait boats some of the anglers didn't have  a bait boat. So they felt it was unfair that some had boats and some didn't, so they decided that no one would use them. My  opinion a bad move. 90% of the anglers that fish Bossard use bait boats. If you use bait boats you know you push the fish tight to the snags or under over  hanging  trees.

I am not saying you can't catch carp in open water, but most anglers want to fish to something i.e. snags, pads, reeds etc. It 's much harder work  finding spot's in open water  using a marker rod or 2 and most anglers rely on me telling them were to fish!. i have no problem helping my anglers, but when I go to a new lake I have to froth the  water to a  foam with my marker rods. if carp keep getting  caught from the same spot they tend to move of it and feed somewhere else so they don't get caught.

The lake bed changes all the time, I know carp are caught on the so called hot spots. But the anglers that spend the time Saturday and Sunday with there marker rods trends to catch more fish, than the anglers that don't,  anyway back to the fishing, I must say all the guys fished hard all week but  the fish just didn't want to know. By Thursday the fish started to crash out all night down by the point and R,B yes you, guest it no one fishing down there. By the end of the week we ended up with 7 fish the biggest coming to Darren in the Lodge a cracking 54-00lb mirror.Our average for the week was 37-02lbs. We had 6 dropped fish and one cut off in the snags.

I would just like to say a Big thanks you to all the guy's for a great week and look forward to seeing you in 2 year's when you come back.

Tight line


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